If you’re ready to dust off your running shoes and take off to the races in Downtown Columbus, check out these runs that’ll get your heart racing!
🏁 APRIL 5: Franklinton 10 Miler
🏁 APRIL 26: Capital City Half & Quarter Marathon & 5K
👟 Pelotonia Gravel Day (Oct 4)
👟 Gordy’s Pumpkin Run (Oct 25)
👟 Total HealthWorks Movin’ It 5K Run/Walk for Parkinson’s (Nov 2)
👟 Columbus Turkey Trot (Nov 29)
👟 Columbus Hungry Turkey Trot (Nov 29)
Downtown Columbus Inc. is a private, non-profit development corporation with a mission to lead city-changing projects in the heart of Ohio’s capital city. Downtown Columbus Inc. was created in 2002 to implement the Downtown Strategic Plan.
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